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Best GRE Vocabulary List for 2021 by GT Prep

Cracking GRE without a good verbal score is tough. And it is an open secret that vocabulary is the key to GRE Verbal score. But mastering the vocabulary is quite challenging. Most of the GRE test takers ask where to start and how to learn. So, for beginners, here we have collected a list of the best GRE vocabulary words for 2021.

Best GRE Vocabulary List for 2021 - GT Prep

GRE Vocabulary List 2021

Here are some of the GRE High-Frequency words.

1.     Engender – verb 

Meaning – Give rise to, to cause, to produce

Usage – Planting more trees can engender a reduction in pollution levels in the city.

2.     Prodigal – adj

Meaning - wastefully extravagant

Usage – His prodigal girlfriend made him buy expensive gifts for her.

3.     Anomaly – noun

Meaning – Something that is not expected / unusual

Usage – The current covid pandemic is an anomaly.

[Read more: How to Score 160+ in GRE Verbal Reasoning?]

4.     Lucid – adj

Meaning – Easy to understand and very clear to understand

Usage – His lucid presentation helped the company to gain the project.

5.     Prosaic adj

Meaning – Something that is boring, dull, lack of imagination or originality

Usage – Shopping for Groceries is a prosaic task.

6.     Quotidian – adj

Meaning – Something that is occurring everyday/daily life

Usage – Drawing has become my quotidian existence.

7.     Restive – adj

Meaning – Unable to remain still or submissive, especially due to boredom

Usage – Students became restive by the lengthy principal speech

8.     Equivocal – adj

Meaning – something that cannot be understood easily

Usage – The answers given by students on a visa are equivocal.

9.     Pernicious – adj

Meaning – harmful effect

Usage – Mike has a pernicious influence on my son.

10.            Fervid – adj

Meaning – passionate, intensively enthusiastic

Usage – Children show a fervid interest in cartoons.

One best tip to master vocabulary for GRE is, learning a new word every day and using them in daily life. Just learning a word itself cannot help in improving the vocabulary unless it is used in daily life.

Books for GRE vocabulary

Here are some best books to improve the knowledge of vocabulary words for GRE.

[Read more: Complete GRE Exam Guide with Pattern & Tips to Score 320+ in 2021]

1.       ETS – The Official Guide To GRE Revised General Test 3rd Edition

2.       Kaplan’s GRE Prep Plus 2021

3.       Barron’s Essential Words for GRE 2020

4.       Manhattan Prep GRE Strategy Guides

5.       GRE Prep by Magoosh

Learning vocabulary isn’t easy. But, not an impossible thing to achieve. A lot of dedication and everyday practice is what it needs to master the Top GRE Vocab words. And there are many new websites to learn new words every day. For more expert tips, reach out to experts and join our GRE Coaching Sessions.

Check the Below GRE Coaching Videos:


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  2. Vocabulary is really important for scoring high in the GRE. Many students do not have strong enough vocabulary. Sometimes it is too late for picking up the dictionary and try to improve, if the examinations are near somewhere. It takes time to absorb so many words with right meaning and the context in which they can be used. Undoubtedly your vocabulary skills have everything to do with how high you score on both of them. The word list you shared here would be very helpful for the students as, the makers of the GRE use advanced vocabulary words in creating the test, words that you may not have encountered all that often, and could easily have forgotten. The GRE tuition providers teach vocabulary with the help of different activities that may help to remember. Thanks for sharing such a helpful post.

  3. Hi Nice Blog,
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