Is your SAT exam is around the corner and you are not feeling confident? Relax. The exhaustive part is already over. All your preparation, strategies, and tips should be executed appropriately now. For that, getting tensed won’t help.
Check the best last-minute tips for SAT exam
- As you don’t have much time to plan the SAT preparation, all you can do is a quick revision of your strengths and working on weaknesses.
- Try to attempt any mock tests, so that you will be familiar with the exam pattern.
- Make a note of topics that are time-consuming during the mock test, so that while attempting the original exam, you can prioritize them based on the time you may need to spend.
One day before the exam:
Tomorrow is a big day. Remember, one night cannot change anything. So don’t hustle up with the topics that need to revised, or which you didn’t even read about.
What shall I do one day before SAT
One day before the exam is not the right time to pressurize your mind with comprehensive studying. Instead, you should keep calm and relax. To reduce some of your stress, we have a checklist prepared for things to be done one day before SAT exam.
1. Pack your bag with
§ Admit Card
§ Photo Identity Card
§ 2 or 3 sharpened Pencils (one more spare for social service in the exam center)
§ Eraser
§ Sharpener
§ Calculator
§ Water bottle and snacks
§ Watch
2. Know where you go:
Get an idea of the test location the before day, so that you can plan your transport. You can even have a backup plan as well for your transport.
3. Brush up your strengths:
Never start a new concept one day before the exam. Rather, give a glance at topics you have covered and the tips to improve your SAT score. Along with that if you know your weak spots, check the formulas or tricks with the intention that you can try to attempt those questions during the test. If you feel it is stressful, leave it. You can always guess on SAT.
4. Have a Good Night:
Sleep early or at the usual time, and wake up early. Watch a movie before you sleep as it will take off your mind from the exam and helps in sound sleep. Never stay awake for a long time. Follow your routine.
On the Big Day:
Remember to be positive and never give any chance for negative thoughts. Take it easy, no need to pressurize yourself. The best exam day tips for SAT test are:
- Start your day as usual with a coffee or magazine or whatever routine you have. Don’t try anything new as it can upset your day.
- Have a healthy and light breakfast. Never take the test with hunger as it minimizes your concentration levels. In the same way, don’t take heavier foods.
- Start early so that you can reach early. Certain procedures need to be completed before the SAT test which may require some time.
- Now give your best shot.
Hope these tips are helpful and looking forward to your success. You can always opt for the best SAT coaching for expert guidance.
Check the Below SAT Coaching Video:
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