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Do's and Don'ts to Remember on the GMAT Test Day

Is your GMAT test is coming up? Have you prepared well for the GMAT exam? Here are some tips for exam day. Because it is not just about preparing well, you need to perform well as well. What to do before GMAT exam? Check this out.

GMAT Coaching and Preparation Classes – GT Prep

We know how important the GMAT test is for your career and there is an obvious chance for stress. But, never let stress dominate your confidence and thought process. Moreover, the stress before the exam is quite common for anyone. Being organized and calm can reduce that and make you think correctly. As attending GMAT coaching is advantageous, you can try it for more confidence.

Remember these Do’s and Don’ts for the GMAT Test day


1.   Wake up early on the test day. Better if you sleep early the before day and have a good 6-7 hours of rest. If you start your day early, there will not be any haste in the morning. Follow the everyday routine of your morning like exercise, a cup of coffee, reading the newspaper, etc.

2.  Dress up comfortably. Also, choose your outfit as per the weather. Because your clothes should not be messing with your exam. So, make sure you are comfortable enough.

3.   Have a healthy breakfast. Never go to an exam with hunger. Yet, have a light breakfast that doesn’t upset your stomach. Have a snack pack for the optional breaks.

4.    Have an analog watch rather than a digital one. And keep an eye on the clock so that you can adjust your answering speed. If you prefer to GMAT online exam, you can have a clock on your screen.

5.     Stay Calm and be positive. Years and months of hard work will be decided in 3 hours. So try to relax with peace of mind.

                                                   [Read more: Tips to score 720 in GMAT in 30 Days]


1.   Be disorganized. Pack your bag the before day and make sure you have packed all the essentials as per your GMAT test day checklist.

2.     Try any experiment. Stick to the regular order where you are well familiar while writing GMAT mock tests or GMAT practice tests. Never change the order of sections you answer. This is not the right time for experiments.

3.  Rush into things. Never go for solving the problem immediately after reading the question. Take a minute and have a mental image of how to solve it. Hustling can become a major problem while writing the GMAT test. You can end up being confused.

4.     Leave questions unanswered. As there is no negative marking for the GMAT test, it is better even if you guess. Who knows, your answer can be a correct option.

5.  Over strain. Never study before night. It will be overstraining your mind. Have a peaceful sleep. And make use of optional breaks to relax your mind.

Bonus: Can you cheat on GMAT?

Absolutely no. Never try to attempt those tricks. It is illegal and punishable.

Remember these dos and don’ts for your GMAT online test day. Hope you perform well  and have a great GMAT test day experience. For more tips and tricks, connect with our expert GMAT training session.

Check the Below GMAT Coaching Video:


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