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How to Answer PTE Speaking Read Aloud Questions?

Is Read aloud questions are becoming a nightmare in the PTE Speaking section? Here are the best tips to answer PTE Speaking Read Aloud Questions.

PTE Speaking Read Aloud Questions are not Tough Anymore– GT Prep

What is the Read Aloud question in PTE Speaking?

Read aloud questions are the first among the PTE speaking sections. When the passage appears on the screen, the candidate will be given 30-40 seconds to prepare for reading. Then a beep sounds and the candidate needs to start speaking after the beep. If the computer recognizes 3 seconds of silence, the recording will be paused automatically.

How the PTE Read aloud questions are scored?

PTE Read Aloud questions are scored based on three factors:

1.      Content

Read the passage as it is. Any additions or removal of words can impact negatively on the score.

2.      Oral Fluency

The ability to read the passage clearly in a proper tone without long pauses determines Oral fluency.

3.      Pronunciation

Whether the words are clear and understandable for anyone or not is checked in the pronunciation.

How to Answer Read Aloud Questions in PTE Speaking?

Read-aloud questions seem so simple during the practice but most of the candidates tremble on the exam day. Because of the new and unfamiliar words that bring down the confidence. So here are the best tips to boost PTE Reading score.

1.      Focus on punctuation

Reading aloud score mostly depends on the attention you pay for the punctuations. Because, while speaking, a minute pause is required at every punctuation mark to give the correct meaning. It can improve oral fluency.

2.      Practice difficult words before recording

Before the recorder starts, there will be 30-40 seconds on time for practice. Try to read the passage as if you are reading for the test. Repeat the difficult words to make up the mind and get it ready.

3.      Divide the paragraph

In the first few seconds of practice once you finish reading, divide the paragraph into meaningful parts. So that it will be easy to pause for a meaningful speech. This improves the enabling skill.

                                                [Read more: PTE Academic Uses Technology to improve Student Experience]

4.      Pause – Not more than 3 seconds

Never give a pause of more than three seconds as the recorder will stop recording if it didn’t recognize any voice for 3 seconds.

5.      Never repeat the sentence:

Be confident and read the sentence loud and clear. If you read any wrong, never feel hesitant and stop or repeat the sentences. Also, don’t use any extra words.

Bonus: Never use Fillers

Fillers like Umm and Err can reduce the PTE scores. So practice reading the newspaper daily every day loud in front of a mirror.  

Hoping all the tips to answer PTE Speaking Read aloud questions help you score well in the exam. For more one-on-one training, connect to our trainers for Intensive PTE Training sessions.

Check the Below PTE Coaching Video:


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