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How to improve your listening skills for the IELTS Listening test



Listening is an important part of the IELTS test, and part of your score is based on how well you can understand what you hear. Listening skills can be improved with practice, so if you want to do better when taking the IELTS exam, listen more carefully every day. Here are some strategies for improving your listening skills:

What is the IELTS Listening Test?

The IELTS Listening Test is a 45-minute test, split into four sections. Each section will give you different types of listening tasks to complete and is scored on a scale from 1-9. You will be awarded 0-4 marks for each part of the test, depending on how well you answer each question.

Why is it important to improve your listening skills for the IELTS?

Yes, it is important to. So, you must focus on listening skills.

The listening section of the IELTS exam is one of four skills that you need to be tested on. It's also a skill that many students often overlook when preparing for this particular test, but it can be improved with practice and some extra focus.

The following strategies can help you prepare for the IELTS listening test

You have to follow these top strategies to improve your listening skills, you need to be able to listen actively as well as read at the same time. You should try this out before starting your practice tests so that you're familiar with it by the time of your test date. If you planning for IELTS exam preparation follow these strategies.

Strategy 1: Get used to listening actively and reading at the same time.

  • Listen to the recording and read the transcript at the same time.
  • Read the transcript as you listen.
  • Read the transcript after listening to it once, and then listen again (you can also do this more than one time).
  • Read the transcript before you listen, so that when you hear something in real life it will trigger some words from your mind which help understand better what was said by someone else's voice on tape or CD player etc.

Strategy 2: Focus on formulating a question before you listen to the whole recording.

To listen effectively, you need to formulate a question before listening to the whole recording.

This is because it's difficult for our brains to process information that comes at us from all directions at once. If we know what we're looking for and have an idea of how it might sound, then it becomes much easier for us to pick out important details from what people are saying and interpret them correctly.

(Read More: 7 Effective IELTS Reading Tips To Increase Your Score)

Strategy 3: Listen more than once.

While you can listen to a recording only once and pass the test, it's better to listen more than once in order to fully understand what is being said. This strategy requires you to:

  • Listen again and again until you've memorized all of the information in the recording.
  • Listen from different sources (e.g., YouTube videos or other websites).
  • Listen from a different perspective (e.g., as if you were talking with someone).

Strategy 4: Be aware of that what you know about the topic and what you don't know.

A fourth strategy is to be aware of what you know about the topic and what you don't know. This will help you decide which parts of the recording need careful listening and which can be skimmed over or ignored entirely. You can use this information to focus on areas where there are gaps in your knowledge, so that when it comes time for answering questions on those parts, they will be easier for you because they're familiar territory (or at least not completely unfamiliar).

(Read More: How to Plan for A Stress-Free IELTS Preparation)

Strategy 5: Make use of the visual material if it's available in the exam room.

If there is visual material available in the exam room, take advantage of it. The visual material can help you to understand the topic better and also understand the speaker's tone of voice and body language.

Strategy 6: Choose an approach that suits you best.

Finding a strategy that works for you is important.

There are many different approaches to listening, and it's up to you to pick the one that suits your needs best. Some people prefer active listening skills, while others may find passive listening more effective. There are advantages and disadvantages of each method, but at the end of the day, it all comes down to what works best for YOU!


IELTS is a very important test for anyone who wants to study in an English-speaking country. The IELTS exam is the first step towards overseas education. If you want to improve your listening skills for the IELTS test, then this article will help you. In it, we will discuss how to improve your listening skills and what things can affect them negatively or positively.


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